VMR Floaters Treatment Highlighted in Review of Ophthalmology

VMR Floaters Treatment Highlighted in Review of Ophthalmology

At VMR, we began to pay closer attention to vitreous floaters in 20111 and developed better ways to evaluate sufferers. Because of our sustained success in pioneering methods to identify patients who would benefit from limited vitrectomy (removal of the gel in the center of the eye) to cure eye floaters (first documented in 20142), the Review of Ophthalmology has highlighted our work in this 2020 publication. The long-term safety and efficacy has also been shown.3

Many of the photos were contributed by the VMR Institute for Vitreous Macula Retina in Huntington Beach, California.

  1. Sebag J: Floaters and the quality of life. Am J Ophthalmol 
  2. Sebag et al: Vitrectomy for floaters – prospective efficacy analyses and retrospective safety profile. Retina 34:1062-68, 2014
  3. Sebag et al: Long-term safety and efficacy of limited vitrectomy for Vision Degrading from vitreous floaters. Ophthalmology Retina 2:881-9, 2018.

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